For the 2023-2024 Season we have updated and upgraded our donor benefits, and added a whole new class of donorS- the TTC Circle Members. the benefits FOR EACH LEVEL are listed below.
As a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, contributions to the FRIENDS OF TORRANCE THEATRE COMPANY are tax-deductible. Additionally, supporters may take advantage of various donor benefits as listed below, or choose to defer benefits to receive the full amount on the deduction.
For questions, or to arrange your benefits please contact
To donate now, click HERE.
BRONZE ($1-$99)
Written acknowledgement of donation for tax purposes
Included in online donor page for the season
SILVER ($100-$249)
All of the above
Included in printed program donor page for the season
GOLD ($250-$499)
All of the above
Periodic newsletter
DIAMOND ($500-$999)
All above
Two season subscriptions
PLATINUM ($1,000-$2,499)*
All above
Reserved seating for subscriptions
Curtain speech recognition
STAGE MANAGER’S CIRCLE ($2,500-$4,999)**
All Above
Four subscriptions with reserved seating
Invitation for two for the first rehearsal for show of your choice
Two invitations to the Circle Member’s end-of-season luncheon and new season preview
DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000-$9,999)**
All above
Invitation for two to attend a dress rehearsal for the show of your choice
Lunch with Artistic Director
All above
Production Sponsor Credit on show of your choice (Including, special luncheon with the cast and crew, 4 additional Opening Night Tickets, production souvenir gift, and special playbill recognition)